ESPN & USA Football Sponsorship Recap
ESPN partnered with USA Football to support its Heads Up Football program and to help drive a better, safer game in communities across America.
Together, ESPN and USA Football delivered grassroots activations in three (3) ESPN Monday Night Football markets, impacting players, coaches and parents at both the youth and high school levels. Markets visited and Heads Up Football programs supported include:
- Detroit (Detroit P.A.L.; Romeo H.S.)
- Dallas (Frisco Football League)
- Philadelphia (Bert Bell Memorial Football Conference; Shawnee (NJ) H.S.)
Babe Ruth League Sponsorship Recap
To kick off the BRL season with DICK’S Sporting Goods, and to celebrate getting back to playing ball.
- Create shareable social media campaign that weaves youth baseball & softball into relevant social conversations.
- Set up: #BRLOPENINGDAY as a common destination to share with
- Create additional “non-branded” content posts to help seed the idea of creating user-generated content and where to share to
- Leverage BRL’s B2B/C vertical communication prowess from regional commissioners to league presidents to team coaches & parents to spread the word and raise campaign awareness through “trusted” channels